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Source File Specification

Source data must be submitted in the DBPR Specified format.  If you have any questions, please use our Request for Assistance page to email DBPR.

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File Naming

The file must  be named according to the following rules:

The file must be named in the format XXXXXXX-YYYYMMDDA[A].TXT where:
  • XXXXXXX = Your provider ID number (please contact DBPR if you do not know this number)
  • YYYY = the year during which the file was submitted
  • MM = the month during which the file was submitted
  • DD = the day on which the file is submitted
  • A[A] = A[A] number indicating how many files have been submitted by this provider on that day. For instance, the first file submitted on that day by that provider would have A=1. Subsequent file submissions would have A=2 or 3 or a number up to 99 indicating which submission it is.
  • TXT - the file must be of the TXT (text) type and must have the TXT extension in the filename.

Header Record

The first three lines of the file are the header record and must contain the following information:

Header Record Line   Description and Requirements
Line 1   "ProviderID:1234567".  You must include the "ProviderID:" portion and the 1234567 should be replaced with your provider ID.
Line 2   "".  You must include the "Email:" portion and the should be the email address of the person at your organization who should be notified in case of problems.  Your email must contain the "@" character to be recognized as valid.
Line 3   Must be a blank line

Data Records

Each element of data contained within a line should be enclosed in double-quotation marks and separated from each other by a comma.  The data elements (the part within the double-quotation marks) should not be separated by anything other than a comma (i.e., no spaces after each comma, etc.).  The elements to be included for each line of data are as follows:

Data Element   Constraint
License number of the employing establishment   10 character maximum
Last name of trained employee   25 character maximum
First name of trained employee   25 character maximum
Date of birth of trained employee   MM/DD/YYYY format
Last name of trainer   25 character maximum
First name of trainer   25 character maximum
Date of Training   MM/DD/YYYY format
Certification Expiry Date   MM/DD/YYYY format
Name of program used to train employee   100 character maximum
Name of Employing Establishment   100 character maximum

Footer Record

The last three lines of the file are the footer record and must contain the following information. Please DO NOT add any blank line after line 3.

Footer Record Line   Description and Requirements
Line 1   Must be a blank line
Line 2   Must be a blank line
Line 3   "Records:999"  You must include the "Records:" portion and the 999 should be replaced with the number of data records contained within this file.


According to the above rules, the third file submitted by provider 9244820 on 28 October 2004 would be named 9244820-200410283.TXT and, when opened, would look like the file linked here.

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